Jan Marini Bioglycolic Bioclear Cream

THB 3,468
Bioclear Cream is a revolutionary cream that targets the multifaceted acne problems uniquely experienced by adults. This versatile product also has remarkable anti-aging and skin resurfacing properties that benefit all skin types. Research has resulted in a formula that produces exceptional benefits for adult acne, acne scarring, inflammation, discoloration, enlarged follicle openings, the appearance of wrinkling and textural changes due to cumulative sun exposure. Benefits: For all skin types. Rapid clearing of existing acne lesions and prevention of future lesions. Skin will appear dramatically softer, smoother, more luminous and hydrated. Measurable lessening of appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Skin texture will appear more refined and follicle size will appear to diminish significantly. Acne discoloration will resolve or lessen and skin tones will appear more even.