More Labs Liquid Focus Berry 12 Pack In Beauty: NA.

THB 1,752
More Labs Liquid Focus Berry 12 Pack in Beauty: NA. More Labs Liquid Focus Berry 12 Pack in Beauty: NA. The nootropic smart drink: Liquid Focus by More Labs is made with clinically-proven ingredients to enhance focus, boost productivity, and provide clean, focused energy - without the negative effects of sugary energy drinks or prescription stimulants. It uses adaptogenic herbs and an optimal ratio of caffeine and L-theanine, an amino acid found in green tea with a relaxing effect, to enhance alertness, cognition, and mood, without the classic caffeine crash or jitters. Grab a bottle of Liquid Focus for that afternoon workday slump, when you're studying for exams, or whenever you need to get in the zone and perform at your peak.In a clinical study on caffeine vs caffeine + L-theanine combo:- The caffeine + L-theanine combo showed to be 2x as effective as caffeine by itself in improving participants' cognition and attention. Contains 150mg of caffeine. Vegan & cruelty-free. Free of Gluten. 8 x 100 ml. MREC-WU10. FOCUS. Bottoms up to a better tomorrow. Inspired by the work hard, play hard culture and drinking rituals of Korea, Morning Recovery founder Sisun Lee partnered with doctors at USC to develop a breakthrough solution designed to help you maximize your productivity, wellness, and health while allowing you to celebrate life to the fullest.