Slip White King Silk Pillowcase 51x91cm

THB 4,509
Slip’s pillowcases have created a stir in the beauty world revolutionising the way we sleep. The King pillowcase is crafted from slipsilk™ (pure mulberry silk) which helps to regulate body temperature and reduce friction against hair and skin. It’s also anti-aging, anti sleep crease and anti bead hair meaning no more lines across your face or tangled hair. If we’re going to spend two thirds of our lives in bed we should do it in style!| Slip mulberry slipsilk™ pillowcaseSlipsilk™: highest grade (6A) long strand pure mulberry silk, 22 momme, non-toxic dyesSilk filler and internal linerBenefits: Anti-aging, anti sleep crease, reduces friction, absorbs less face creamHand washHeight: 51 cm, width 91 cm