Y Project Oversized Denim Jacket, Women'S, Blue

THB 1,095
We are delighted to present an exceptional OVERSIZED DENIM JACKET from the esteemed brand Y PROJECT. This remarkable piece of attire epitomizes refined style and enduring elegance. Its dominant light blue hue, a hallmark of denim materials, imparts a sense of freshness and versatility to the jacket. Crafted from 100% ORGANIC COTTON, this jacket embodies the pinnacle of quality and environmental consciousness. Its classic collar, long sleeves with turned-up cuffs, and contrasting silver buttons against the fabric accentuate its sophisticated nature. Detailed stitching with golden threads and characteristic double seams add structure and uniqueness to the product. The importance of its RELAXED FIT also cannot be overstated, ensuring comfort while aligning with the latest fashion trends. A leather label featuring the brand's logo at the upper back, just below the neckline, serves as a subtle yet distinct branding highlight. WHY INVEST IN THIS PIECE? * Crafted from high-quality ORGANIC COTTON * Unique design with an ATTENTION TO DETAIL * Comfortable wear due to the 'OVERSIZE' FIT * A perfect blend of CLASSIC AND CONTEMPORARY TRENDS * An excellent reflection of Y PROJECT'S BRAND PHILOSOPHY