Philip Kingsley Elasticizer Extreme Travel 75ml

THB 826

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Philip Kingsley’s Elasticizer Extreme is targeted at extremely dry, porous hair types, including African-Caribbean and exceptionally damaged Caucasian tresses. Formulated with the same moisturising ingredients of Elasticizer, alongside higher active doses of the components that make a difference to thirsty hair, this innovative product provides instant replenishment, hydration and nourishment. By saying no to single-use items and packaging, and choosing products made from recycled materials and ingredients, you’re helping to preserve natural resources.| Philip Kingsley Elasticizer ExtremeHow to use: Before shampooing, dampen your hair with warm water and apply Elasticizer Extreme to mid lengths and ends, paying particular attention to dry broken areas. Leave for 20 minutes and then rinse75ml For hygiene reasons, this product cannot be exchanged or refunded, unless faulty.