The Beauty Chef ADAPTOGEN Inner Beauty Boost - 200ml

Cult Beauty Ltd.
THB 741


Like drinkable skin care, this beauty-boosting, vegan probiotic elixir has been scientifically formulated by The Beauty Chef to'breathe life' back into fatigued-looking skin, support digestive wellbeing and your skin health. Designed for stressed skin, this Adaptogenic Inner Beauty Boost is a naturally kola nut-flavoured concentrate that harnesses sarsaparilla to aid digestion, vitamin B3 to bolster your skin's integrity and activated vitamin B6 to encourage energy metabolism. The clever booster is formulated with The Beauty Chef's unique bio-fermentation process - known as Flora Culture - to enhance each of the wholefood ingredients, making them more bioavailable and creating a natural, broad-spectrum probiotic with postbiotic compounds. It's also infused with their exclusive probiotic strain to contribute to their natural function of your gut and support your skin health.